Scammer Zhejiang Yinmao on LinkedIn

Zhejiang Yinmao Export and Import Company represented by a Paul Liu Ming is offering a Business Partnership/Clearance Officer position on LinkedIn.

See: (the link is now dead, thanks to LinkedIn).

This job posting is a fraud. Soon after accepting this "job" the Clearance Officer is asked to pay $2,500 to open an account at KAS Finance International.

KAS Finance International is not in any way related to Amsterdam-based KAS BANK (see and not a financial institution at all. It's just a fraud name.

Evidently, persons who where accepted for this "job", were unwilling to pay company's expenses from their own pocket. One of them called Mr. Paul Liu Ming, who surprisingly spoke with a strong African accent. Commented upon, Mr. Ming stated he had been "away from China a long time"!